Apr 11, 2016 - 04:39 PM
Our installer advised that we needed to get "Unsanded" grout. They installed the tile and the next day they grouted the area using the unsanded grout wiping the access off with a large wet sponge. As they worked they rinsed the sponge several times and moved over to the next area to grout and so forth. There will be small air pockets that make a tiny vacant spot in the grout line later in the day and all you need to do is lightly wet your finger, dip in the dry grout and touch the spot and the grout will fill it right in. Add more if needed later.
The very edge that meets the cabinet and or wall area needs to be cleaned up gently as it will dry extremely hard in 24 hours and getting any overage off at those spots will be difficult.
The next day I wiped the individual tiles with a damp soft cloth wrapped over my finger to get the small amount of residual film of grout off the tile.
I love this tile and the look that it gave our kitchen.
Hope this helps.
The very edge that meets the cabinet and or wall area needs to be cleaned up gently as it will dry extremely hard in 24 hours and getting any overage off at those spots will be difficult.
The next day I wiped the individual tiles with a damp soft cloth wrapped over my finger to get the small amount of residual film of grout off the tile.
I love this tile and the look that it gave our kitchen.
Hope this helps.