Best Flooring For Dogs: Pet-Friendly Flooring

Best Flooring For Dogs: Pet-Friendly Flooring

Best Flooring For Dogs: Pet-Friendly Flooring
When looking for the best flooring for dogs - it’s important to consider flooring with a combination of easy cleanability, scratch resistance, slip resistance, and sound absorption. And especially if you’re looking to create a desired look - tiles have the potential to mimic the perfect look of wood, stone, or concrete. 

When looking for the best flooring for dogs - it’s important to consider flooring with a combination of easy cleanability, scratch resistance, slip resistance, and sound absorption. Whether you’re remodeling your home or updating the interiors - maintaining the floors can be quite a hassle if you have a ‘pet’ in there. Of course, some pets tend to shed enormous (like Chow Chow or Siberian Husky) whereas some are laid-back, lazy and don’t make their homeowners’ life difficult (like Bulldog or Rottweiler).

Since updating the flooring is a big investment - it’s important that you think and rethink your family as well as your furry friends. After all, you wouldn’t want to redo your floors in the coming years, all over again, right? So, long story short - one of the best floorings for your dogs is tile flooring. The floor tiles are bound to make you and your dog happy at all times! Now, here’s a breakdown of various types of flooring and how they behave with your furry friend. 

Hardwood Flooring:

wood looking floor tile

Wood flooring has the perfect amount of warmth and coziness - but the fact that it easily scratches is what makes this flooring ‘not’ top the list. Pet urine is another concerning factor that can be quite difficult to deal with - since your wood flooring may require sanding and resanding, thereafter. 

Carpet Flooring:

If you have pets at home, carpet flooring can be one of the worst choices to pick. Your dogs can easily scratch the surface and make it appear unpleasant. Moreover, the carpet flooring is not very easy to clean and can relatively trap allergens and dirt every now and then. 

Vinyl Flooring:

Vinyl flooring is an inexpensive, durable, easy-to-clean, waterproof, and stain-proof flooring that makes a great friend to your furry family member. However, with sharp toenails and claws, your pets can easily damage and gauge the vinyl flooring in the long run. Also, if you’re looking to achieve a high-end look in your home, vinyl flooring may not be the best option.

Tile Flooring:

porcelain tile flooring

Tile is one of the best flooring options for your dogs as well as other pets. It’s durable, long-lasting, stain and water resistant, scratch resistant, and can easily be cleaned. And especially if you’re looking to create a desired look - tiles have the potential to mimic the perfect look of wood, stone, or concrete. 

However, if you feel the tile flooring can be slightly cold and harsh for your space - it’s always great to lay out machine-washable rugs that are easy to clean and easy to maintain. Porcelain floor tiles make an ideal choice if you have pets at home! They can almost replicate any look with a touch of enhanced durability, longevity, and the most scratch and stain resistance. 

Moreover, choosing matte finish tiles over glossy tiles is better since they can offer anti-slip characteristics. So, are you ready to bring home your next pet and make it an overall beautiful experience? At Mineral Tiles, we offer an endless list of tile options that are best suited for your pets! Reach out to us and we’d be glad to help you further.