What grout should I use?-Mineral Tiles

What grout should I use?

What grout should I use?-Mineral Tiles
Every day we get many calls from customers inquiring us what grout they should use and what color, and because of this, we wrote some tips that might help you. This is not an installation guideline or do we have the intention of touching on every point that there is about grout. Again, the purpose [...]

Every day we get many calls from customers inquiring us what grout they should use and what color, and because of this, we wrote some tips that might help you. This is not an installation guideline or do we have the intention of touching on every point that there is about grout. Again, the purpose of this post is mainly to guide you in the right direction when choosing your grout.

Grout is the viscous liquid used to fill the gaps between tiles and walls, and there are many brands out there for all applications. We have been working with Bostik. This grout is a non-sanded and epoxy grout, which according to our experience has been working really well with our top of the line tiles, including the peel and stick options that require grout application. It comes pre-mixed and ready to use making your job quick and neat.

Also, it's important to understand some basics about grout and how they are grouped. Their components, application, and then, of course, choose the color that you like because your kitchen needs to look amazing!

Here is a quick comparison table for you:

Once you understand these basics your choice will depend on the style you are trying to achieve, color, and type of material.

Questions you can ask yourself:

What style am I trying to achieve?

Do I like the grout outlining around the small chips?

If, not maybe use a neutral color? Use a gray, which goes with almost anything. Another option would be the Glass-Filled Diamond which blends in well with any tile reflecting the pigments from its surroundings.

Although epoxy grout costs more than the other options, it saves you in the long-term. An epoxy grout that is correctly installed can last you forever while the other ones will be more prone to discoloration, bacterial growth, and cracking.

Choosing your color:

1 - Pay attention to contrast: Blue tile with white tile
2 - Match tile color with grout color. (If that's what you like)
3 - Neutral: use a light color that hides with the tile color. Light gray or soft white.
4 - Choose any color you like! Forget the rules and get something you feel right about. I do have to warn you that once you apply a grout, it's tough to take it out. So you are free but choose wisely.


Please, let us know in the comments below your opinions or your though processing in choosing your grout! We would love to read your comments, see your pictures, or any additional suggestions.