How To Clean Kitchen Tiles?

How To Clean Kitchen Tiles?

How To Clean Kitchen Tiles?
It’s quite likely that the kitchen backsplash tiles and floor tiles will develop a layer of dirt and grime over a few days. And due to maintaining hygiene practices, it’s a must to regularly clean the kitchen tiles. But how? 

A kitchen is one of the busiest spaces in a home. Due to high traffic and rigorous activities taking place, this particular space definitely needs regular cleaning and mopping. Since tiles are one of the most commonly used wall and floor covering materials in a kitchen - cleaning the surface is a definite must! It’s quite likely that the kitchen backsplash tiles and floor tiles will develop a layer of dirt and grime over a few days. And due to maintaining hygiene practices, it’s a must to regularly clean the kitchen tiles. But how? 

List of Things That You Need:

  • Baking Soda
  • Scrubbing Brush
  • A mop for floor tiles
  • Reusable damp cloth
  • All-purpose Cleaner

Step-by-Step Guideline on Cleaning Kitchen Tiles

Step 1: Spray the Cleaner and Add Baking Soda

Spray the all-purpose cleaner on the surface of the backsplash and floor tiles and sprinkle some baking soda on top of it. Don’t overuse baking soda since it may damage the tiles in the long run.

Step 2: Blend the Mixture

Use a scrubbing brush to blend the mixture and let it stay on the tile surface for about 30 minutes. 

Step 3: Remove the Mixture

Now it’s time to remove the mixture with water using a damp cloth or wet paper towels. On a daily basis, you can even choose to mop the floor so the dirt or dust doesn’t sit for a longer time. 

Things To Note When Cleaning Kitchen Floor Tiles

  • Avoid cleaning products that contain wax, sodium silicate or other additives that can leave a sticky residue on the tile surface. 
  • Avoid using excessively acidic or alkaline cleaning products since that can damage the tiles
  • Use a nearly neutral sulfate detergent
  • You can also regularly mop and clean the surface using a brush and warm water
  • Let the clean solution stay on the tile surface for at least 15 minutes to absorb any dust or dirt
  • Do remember to dry the tile surface using a dry cloth or paper towels. You can even switch on a fan for some time to let the surface dry out! 

Things To Note When Cleaning Kitchen Wall Tiles

  • You must remember to lightly wash off the surface using a damp cloth and warm water regularly to avoid any dirt buildup.
  • Don’t let the water stay on the tiles! Yes, you must ensure to wipe off the surface using a dry cloth for an immaculate look.
  • Remember to immediately clean the surface after any food spill and spots since they may harden and become difficult to clean later.
  • Always patch-test the cleaners before applying them completely. This will protect your tiles and not damage them permanently! 
  • Baking soda is one of the best cleaning agents that you can use for your kitchen backsplash, floor tiles as well as bathroom wall and floor tiles.

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